How can I get involved?


Being part of the postnatal rEvolution movement is easier than you think. It all starts with being aware of the impact of the Fourth Trimester on the lives of family or friends close to you.

Postnatal Support Network Postpartum rEvolution Summit

We all like to help

It makes us feel connected to each other. It makes us feel relevant. It would not take a huge commitment to be the change you want to see. This is what you can do in your local environment: 

  • Gifts are nice, supporting the mother and family is more sustainable
  • Cook a meal for a postpartum mother and her family
  • Take over household chores
  • Babysit the older child(ren) of the family
  • Walk their dog on a regular base
  • Be present for a new mother; you don’t need to “do” much. Presence can be the biggest gift
  • Get informed and share information, resources and local expertise


If you are serious about your involvement in the Postnatal rEvolution, you might want to consider:

You can also simply share the Position Paper and Summit information with your professional network.