Postnatal Summit 2021: Postnatal Health and Happiness
26-28 March, 2021
The Summit gathered 11 internationally renowned speakers who connected live from the US, Canada, Costa Rica, the UK, the Netherlands, Portugal, and France and spoke about recent research and ancient practices. 157 participants from 22 different countries joined in an event that built bridges not only worldwide and between major international postnatal doula schools and visionaries but also between English and French-speaking countries as it was simultaneously translated between English and French. More than 20,000 people were reached by the Summit via social networks.
Research Question:
“How is care and rest during the post-partum period crucial for the immediate and long-term well-being of mother, child, family unit, and the society at large?”
Speakers and topics (in order of appearance)
Postnatal phase during Covid-19
by Devta Kaur
Lead yourself into the blessings of motherhood
by Sat Kirtan Kaur
The postpartum from an Ayurvedic perspective
by Christine Eck
Guérir et grandir de la cicatrice de la césarienne [Healing and growing from C-section scars]
by Adam Kanner
Mama Sapiens et son postpartum, ou: comment notre espèce a-t-elle réussi à survivre et se développer, avec des bébés aussi immatures et vulnérables? [Mama Sapiens and her postpartum, or how did our species manage to survive and develop with such immature and vulnerable babies?]
by Ingrid Bayot
Le sauna vaginal en postnatal : une pratique ancestrale [The postnatal vaginal sauna: an ancestral practice]
by Karine Langlois
Our Research Projects
In 2020, the Postnatal Support Network initiated a five-year Research Project on the postnatal period with a powerful mission: to unearth scientific evidence and gather our own data on the subject. Our goal is to raise awareness and take the next step—demand social and political change to support young families with concrete measures. This project, fueled by the generous support of the Yogi Tea Foundation and countless hours of work by our team and volunteers, is a beacon of hope for the future of postnatal care.
Read more about our ongoing and past projects:
Position Paper
The position paper is an extensive summary of scientific evidence proving that social support is instrumental for a positive postpartum experience and well-being…
Postnatal Summit 2022: Vulnerability as Power
Speakers from the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Greece, Bali, and Brazil joined LIVE and shared their expertise with 98 participants from all over the world…
Postpartum experience of mothers in Europe
European doula network is conducting a survey about Postpartum practise and possibilities in different countries.
100 Postnatal Testimonies Project
This project is the core of our ethnographic research. It aims to gather testimonies of postnatal experiences from all members of the family constellation, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued in different contexts and countries…
The Yogi Tea Foundation has supported PSN from its creation and has allowed the realization of our advanced research project, including the 100 Postnatal Testimonies Project, research papers, and the Postnatal Summits in 2021 and 2022. We are deeply grateful for the trust and support, and we are certain that many mothers worldwide have benefitted from this collaboration.